A hook that’s only for moms?

There have been plenty of pointlessly gendered products before, but a hook?mommyhook.jpg

The Mommy Hook is a useful tool that clips easily onto a stroller and allows you to get your bags anywhere without needing extra hands. It’s simple, inexpensive and clever enough that you might just want to get your hands on one.

Although we weren’t aware of The Mommy Hook until recently, a friendly parent brought it to our attention. In fact, she tweeted that she refused to buy it on principle: “I didn’t buy @themommyhook because my husband pushes the stroller and needs hooks to carry groceries or whatever just as much as I do. Got another brand instead.”

Alas, it isn’t hard to get another brand. The Mommy Hook is a fantastic product, but it’s essentially a carabiner – something you can buy just about anywhere.

The exclusionary name is particularly surprising when you discover that it was created by a dad. We contacted the company to learn more, but were met with no response.

Let’s hope The Mommy Hook can consider a name change before both moms and dads start to give it the hook.