The most exquisite folly is made of wisdom too fine spun

elmonterey7How many contradictions can one company make in a single email?  We came across this promo recently, and it’s hard to decide which of these items offers more incongruity:

  • Quoting Ben Franklin – a father – and then saying that its product is a wise choice only for moms?
  • Using a quote whose original use employs the word “man,” and then disregarding that same “man” in its promotional hashtag?
  • Using the term “kids” in the ad copy instead of just “girls”?  Because after all, El Monterey will eventually disregard the boys (who are among those kids) when they become dads.
  • Assuming that Ben Franklin would’ve loved El Monterey burritos, when even as an adult in modern times, he couldn’t have made the pick to buy them.  Clearly, according to El Monterey, it would’ve taken his own mother to choose them in the store for him.

Of course, the startling, underlying theme for El Monterey once again, is that a mother’s place is in the kitchen.  Otherwise, there would be no other reason to continue to snub dads, who certainly must be capable of microwaving a frozen food product.

And also, of course, El Monterey caps off the email promo with its #momwins campaign, which essentially leaves no one as a winner:  mom is typecast as the one who cooks, dad loses by way of exclusion.

The disappointing insistence of this El Monterey old fashioned marketing push leaves us hungry for another burrito maker, one that is thus, all the wiser.

Is Babies R Us starting a trend?

babiesrus3Ahhh, yes – car seats.

If there’s one item dads have no business meddling with, it’s the car seat.  Leave that up to mom, marketers say, because they’re the ones who will be shuttling baby along to appointments, shopping trips and day care centers.  Dad doesn’t even visit baby stores, and when he tries, it turns into utter chaos, right KSN?

But is this trend changing?

babiesrus4Here we have an email ad from Babies R Us, who doesn’t just give dad his due once, but twice – and almost exclusively by way of hiding a mom in the fuzzy background.  This wasn’t necessary, but it certainly sends a strong message as to who this store wanted featured in its marketing.  To be sure, we’ve seen plenty of mom-and-dad photos before, but this ad almost wholly features dads.

Babies R Us proves that dads belong in baby ads, and that they parent, too.  It isn’t afraid to buck the old fashioned trend that it formerly perpetuated, when we wrote about its Big Baby Book.

However, that was almost two years ago, so we’ll ask it again:  are things changing for the better?

We like to think so, and kudos to the creative team at Babies R Us for its inclusion of dads as the rightful parents they are, substantiating the fact that dads shop and parent, too.